Nutanix collaterals and videos

Nutanix is the fastest growing Technology companies of the decade. Headquartered in San Jose – California, Nutanix is valued at more than ~US$5B, with 8000+ customers having worldwide presence in 120+ countries & highest global market share in the Hyper Converged Infrastructure space. Within a span of year and half of sales in India, we have garnered close to 400 customers with leading organisations across all the verticals.


Nutanix technology integrates compute, storage & virtualization technologies into a single x86 based server deployed in scale-out clusters. It reduces power and space consumption, and eliminates complexity. Built-in virtualization & application mobility makes infrastructure truly invisible, shifting focus back to applications. Our technology has helped customers reduce cost (capex & opex) by as much as 40-60% and while driving data-centre efficiency by reducing power, space and cooling requirements by as much as 40-50%.


Please find below Nutanix collaterals and videos:

  1. Nutanix in 2 Minutes.
  2. Simple Explanation of How Nutanix Works
  3. Analyst Report
  4. Customer Case Studies


IDC Independent perspectives from Nutanix customers on how they achieved TCO savings ( Gartner recently acknowledged our technology and vision by placing us as leaders in their Magic Quadrant for HCI (

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